Item Details

Our Peculiar Institution: 12 Years a Slave, American Protestantism, and the Erotics of Racism

Issue: Vol 43 No. 1 (2014)

Journal: Bulletin for the Study of Religion

Subject Areas: Religious Studies Buddhist Studies Islamic Studies Biblical Studies

DOI: 10.1558/bsor.v43i1.34


Read through the lens of Sharon Patricia Holland's work on the "erotic life of racism," Steve McQueen's 12 Years a Slave offers ways of thinking the intertwining of religion and race in the United States from the antebellum era up to today.

Author: Donovan Schaefer

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References :

Capeheart, Jonathan. “Ugly Rebel Yell in Front of the White House.” Washington Post. Online edition. Oct. 14, 2013. Accessed January 2, 2014

Eckholm, Erik. “Southern Baptists Set for a Notable First.” The New York Times. June 17, 2012.

Feddes, Morgan. “Richard Land’s Comments on Trayvon Martin Investigated by SBC.” Christianity Today. Online edition. April 4, 2012. Accessed January 2, 2014.

Genovese, Eugene. Roll, Jordan, Roll: The World the Slaves Made. New York: Vintage, 1976.

Holland, Sharon Patricia. The Erotic Life of Racism. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2012.

Hurston, Zora Neale. “Spirituals and Neo-Spirituals.” In: Voices from the Harlem Renaissance. Nathan Irvin Huggins, ed. 2nd edition. Oxford, New York, etc.: Oxford University Press, 1995: 344-347.

Killough, Ashley, Shannon Travis, and Brian Rokus. “Rallier Tells Obama to ‘Put the Qur’an Down.’” CNN Online: Political Ticker. Oct. 13, 2013. Accessed January 2, 2014.

McQueen, Steve. 12 Years a Slave. USA: Regency Enterprises and River Road Entertainment, 2013.

Niebuhr, Gustav. “Baptist Group Votes to Repent Stand on Slaves.” The New York Times. June 21, 1995.

Schaefer, Donovan O. “Profile Me: The Confederate Flag, Shame, and White Male Terror.” Religion Bulletin: The Blogging Portal of the Bulletin for the Study of Religion. August 7, 2012. Accessed January 2, 2014.