Item Details

Intact reported speech use in traumatic brain Injury: How to think about ‘intact’ performance in the context of heterogeneity

Issue: Vol 7 No. 1 (2016) .

Journal: Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders

Subject Areas: Linguistics

DOI: 10.1558/jircd.v7i1.29037


Communication impairments following traumatic brain injury (TBI) are notoriously difficult to capture and characterize. We sought to examine social communication abilities in adults with TBI by evaluating their use of reported speech while interacting with a clinician in the context of the Mediated Discourse Elicitation Protocol. We found that participants with TBI were nearly indistinguishable in the frequency, types, and temporal domains of their reported speech use from case-matched healthy comparison participants. Finding aspects of interactional and communicative behaviour that are not affected by TBI in some individuals, or groups of individuals, provides an important opportunity to leverage the hallmark heterogeneity typical in TBI to consider how the status of various aspects of communication may cluster together and may inform, or even predict, communicative outcome at the individual or subgroup level. Efforts to link communicative success to specific cognitive and neural profiles and to social and communicative outcomes are warranted.

Author: Natalie Covington, Melissa Duff

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