Item Details

Motives of attentiveness and their interactional manifestations

Issue: Vol 5 No. 2 (2020)

Journal: East Asian Pragmatics

Subject Areas:

DOI: 10.1558/eap.40998


The present study approaches attentiveness (demonstrated by a pre-emptive response in the form of an offer) in a context wherein interpersonal relations have attracted increasing attention in recent (im)politeness research. It aims to delve into what motivates the demonstration of attentiveness and how it impacts the unfolding of interaction. Insights from multiple disciplines such as social psychology, anthropology, and cultural semantics are drawn in the course of the present investigation. It is proposed that attentiveness is motivated by empathy and/or reciprocity, which can partly explain how interaction occurs and unfolds. It is also shown that attentiveness motivated by empathy and that by reciprocity are interrelated.

Author: Saeko Fukushima

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