The Qurʾān

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This new, annotated translation of the Qurʾān is specifically designed to meet the needs of students of religion, and provides them with a one-volume resource comparable to what is available for the Jewish and Christian scriptures. The meticulously crafted translation affords readers not only a better sense of what the Qur’ān says, but how it says it, in a rendition that strives to remain faithful to the way it was originally expressed. Accompanying the translation is an extensive set of annotations. These are keyed to the text for ready reference, and divided according to their boldface topical headings at the bottom of each page. The annotations offer a wealth of linguistic and historical detail to enhance the understanding and appreciation of the text. They also contain abundant references to parallel passages within the Qur’ān, as well as comparatively among the ‘scriptures’ of Judaism and Christianity. With an introduction, map, timeline, guide to further reading, and comprehensive index, this is the edition of the Qur’ān all students of religion – beginning as well as advanced – will want to possess for their exploration of Islam’s central text.
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Published: Apr 1, 2013
Section | Chapter | Authors |
Preliminaries | ||
Preface | A. J. Droge | |
Acknowledgments | A. J. Droge | |
Introduction | A. J. Droge | |
Guide to Further Reading | A. J. Droge | |
Glossary of Key Names, Terms, and Abbreviations | A. J. Droge | |
Timeline | A. J. Droge | |
Map: The World of Islam c. 750 CE | A. J. Droge | |
Synopsis: The Qur’ān at a Glance | A. J. Droge | |
The Qur’ān: Translation and Annotations | ||
1 The Opening ۞ Al-Fātiḥa | translated by A. J Droge | |
2 The Cow ۞ Al-Baqara | translated by A. J. Droge | |
3 House of ‘Imrān ۞ Āl-‘Imrān | translated by A. J. Droge | |
4 Women ۞ Al-Nisā’ | translated by A. J. Droge | |
5 The Table ۞ Al-Mā’ida | translated by A. J. Droge | |
6 Livestock ۞ Al-An‘ām | translated by A. J. Droge | |
7 The Heights ۞ Al-A‘rāf | translated by A. J. Droge | |
8 The Spoils ۞ Al-Anfāl | translated by A. J. Droge | |
9 Repentance ۞ Al-Tawba | translated by A. J. Droge | |
10 Jonah ۞ Yūnus | translated by A. J. Droge | |
11 Hūd ۞ Hūd | translated by A. J. Droge | |
12 Joseph ۞ Yūsuf | translated by A. J. Droge | |
13 The Thunder ۞ Al-Ra‘d | translated by A. J. Droge | |
14 Abraham ۞ Ibrāhīm | translated by A. J. Droge | |
15 Al-Ḥijr ۞ Al-Ḥijr | translated by A. J. Droge | |
16 The Bee ۞ Al-Naḥl | translated by A. J. Droge | |
17 The Journey ۞ Al-Isrā’ | translated by A. J. Droge | |
18 The Cave ۞ Al-Kahf | translated by A. J. Droge | |
19 Mary ۞ Maryam | translated by A. J. Droge | |
20 Ṭā’ Hā’ ۞ Ṭā’ Hā’ | translated by A. J. Droge | |
21 The Prophets ۞ Al-Anbiyā | translated by A. J. Droge | |
22 The Pilgrimage ۞ Al-Ḥajj | translated by A. J. Droge | |
23 The Believers ۞ Al-Mu’minūn | translated by A. J. Droge | |
24 The Light ۞ Al-Nūr | translated by A. J. Droge | |
25 The Deliverance ۞ Al-Furqān | translated by A. J. Droge | |
26 The Poets ۞ Al-Shu‘arā’ | translated by A. J. Droge | |
27 The Ant ۞ Al-Naml | translated by A. J. Droge | |
28 The Story ۞ Al-Qaṣaṣ | translated by A. J. Droge | |
29 The Spider ۞ Al-‘Ankabūt | translated by A. J. Droge | |
30 The Romans ۞ Al-Rūm | translated by A. J. Droge | |
31 Luqmān ۞ Luqmān | translated by A. J. Droge | |
32 The Prostration ۞ Al-Sajda | translated by A. J. Droge | |
33 The Factions ۞ Al-Aḥzāb | translated by A. J. Droge | |
34 Sheba ۞ Sabā’ | translated by A. J. Droge | |
35 Creator ۞ Fāṭir | translated by A. J. Droge | |
36 Yā’ Sīn ۞ Yā’ Sīn | translated by A. J. Droge | |
37 The Ones Who Line Up ۞ Al-Ṣāffāt | translated by A. J. Droge | |
38 Ṣād ۞ Ṣād | translated by A. J. Droge | |
39 The Companies ۞ Al-Zumar | translated by A. J. Droge | |
40 Forgiver ۞ Ghāfir | translated by A. J. Droge | |
41 Made Distinct ۞ Fuṣṣilat | translated by A. J. Droge | |
42 Consultation ۞ Al-Shūrā | translated by A. J. Droge | |
43 Decoration ۞ Al-Zukhruf | translated by A. J. Droge | |
44 The Smoke ۞ Al-Dukhān | translated by A. J. Droge | |
45 The Kneeling ۞ Al-Jāthiya | translated by A. J. Droge | |
46 The Sand Dunes ۞ Al-Aḥqāf | translated by A. J. Droge | |
47 Muḥammad ۞ Muḥammad | translated by A. J. Droge | |
48 The Victory ۞ Al-Fatḥ | translated by A. J. Droge | |
49 The Private Rooms ۞ Al-Ḥujurāt | translated by A. J. Droge | |
50 Qāf ۞ Qāf | translated by A. J. Droge | |
51 The Scatterers ۞ Al-Dhāriyāt | translated by A. J. Droge | |
52 The Mountain ۞ Al-Ṭūr | translated by A. J. Droge | |
53 The Star ۞ Al-Najm | translated by A. J. Droge | |
54 The Moon ۞ Al-Qamar | translated by A. J. Droge | |
55 The Merciful ۞ Al-Raḥmān | translated by A. J. Droge | |
56 The Falling ۞ Al-Wāqi‘a | translated by A. J. Droge | |
57 Iron ۞ Al-Ḥadīd | translated by A. J. Droge | |
58 The Disputer ۞ Al-Mujādila | translated by A. J. Droge | |
59 The Gathering ۞ Al-Ḥashr | translated by A. J. Droge | |
60 The Examined Woman ۞ Al-Mumtaḥana | translated by A. J. Droge | |
61 The Lines ۞ Al-Ṣaff | translated by A. J. Droge | |
62 The Assembly ۞ Al-Jumu‘a | translated by A. J. Droge | |
63 The Hypocrites ۞ Al-Munāfiqūn | translated by A. J. Droge | |
64 Mutual Defrauding ۞ Al-Taghābun | translated by A. J. Droge | |
65 Divorce ۞ Al-Ṭalāq | translated by A. J. Droge | |
66 The Forbidding ۞ Al-Taḥrīm | translated by A. J. Droge | |
67 The Kingdom ۞ Al-Mulk | translated by A. J. Droge | |
68 The Pen ۞ Al-Qalam | translated by A. J. Droge | |
69 The Payment Due ۞ Al-Ḥāqqa | translated by A. J. Droge | |
70 The Stairways ۞ Al-Ma‘ārij | translated by A. J. Droge | |
71 Noah ۞ Nūḥ | translated by A. J. Droge | |
72 The Jinn ۞ Al-Jinn | translated by A. J. Droge | |
73 The Enwrapped One ۞ Al-Muzzammil | translated by A. J. Droge | |
74 The Cloaked One ۞ Al-Muddaththir | translated by A. J. Droge | |
75 The Resurrection ۞ Al-Qiyāma | translated by A. J. Droge | |
76 The Human ۞ Al-Insān | translated by A. J. Droge | |
77 The Ones Sent Forth ۞ Al-Mursalāt | A. J. Droge | |
78 The News ۞ Al-Naba’ | translated by A. J. Droge | |
79 The Snatchers ۞ Al-Nāzi‘āt | translated by A. J. Droge | |
80 He Frowned ۞ ‘Abasa | translated by A. J. Droge | |
81 The Shrouding ۞ Al-Takwīr | translated by A. J. Droge | |
82 The Rending ۞ Al-Infiṭār | translated by A. J. Droge | |
83 The Defrauders ۞ Al-Muṭaffifīn | translated by A. J. Droge | |
84 The Splitting ۞ Al-Inshiqāq | translated by A. J. Droge | |
85 The Constellations ۞ Al-Burūj | translated by A. J. Droge | |
86 The Night Visitor ۞ Al-Ṭāriq | translated by A. J. Droge | |
87 The Most High ۞ Al-A‘lā | translated by A. J. Droge | |
88 The Covering ۞ Al-Ghāshiya | translated by A. J. Droge | |
89 The Dawn ۞ Al-Fajr | translated by A. J. Droge | |
90 The Land ۞ Al-Balad | translated by A. J. Droge | |
91 The Sun ۞ Al-Shams | translated by A. J. Droge | |
92 The Night ۞ Al-Layl | translated by A. J. Droge | |
93 The Morning Light ۞ Al-D ụḥā | translated by A. J. Droge | |
94 The Expanding ۞ Al-Sharḥ | translated by A. J. Droge | |
95 The Fig ۞ Al-Ṭīn | translated by A. J. Droge | |
96 The Clot ۞ Al-‘Alaq | translated by A. J. Droge | |
97 The Decree ۞ Al-Qadr | translated by A. J. Droge | |
98 The Clear Sign ۞ Al-Bayyina | translated by A. J. Droge | |
99 The Earthquake ۞ Al-Zalzala | translated by A. J. Droge | |
100 The Runners ۞ Al-‘Ādiyāt | translated by A. J. Droge | |
101 The Striking ۞ Al-Qāri‘a | translated by A. J. Droge | |
102 Rivalry ۞ Al-Takāthur | translated by A. J. Droge | |
103 The Afternoon ۞ Al-‘Aṣr | translated by A. J. Droge | |
104 The Slanderer ۞ Al-Humaza | translated by A. J. Droge | |
105 The Elephant ۞ Al-Fīl | translated by A. J. Droge | |
106 Quraysh ۞ Quraysh | translated by A. J. Droge | |
107 Assistance ۞ Al-Mā‘ūn | translated by A. J. Droge | |
108 Abundance ۞ Al-Kawthar | translated by A. J. Droge | |
109 The Disbelievers ۞ Al-Kāfirūn | translated by A. J. Droge | |
110 Help ۞ Al-Naṣr | translated by A. J. Droge | |
111 The Fiber ۞ Al-Masad | translated by A. J. Droge | |
112 Devotion ۞ Al-Ikhlāṣ | translated by A. J. Droge | |
113 The Daybreak ۞ Al-Falaq | translated by A. J. Droge | |
114 The People ۞ Al-Nās | translated by A. J. Droge | |
Index to the Qur’ān | A. J. Droge |
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I cannot recommend a better English translation of the Qur'an for an academic setting. Both Droge and his publisher are to be warmly congratulated. Shawkat M. Toorawa, Cornell University, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies
Droge’s work provides the field of Qur’ānic Studies with a rich and meticulously researched translation that is particularly appropriate at a time when interest in the Qur’ān is growing. Ayman Ibrahim, Fuller Graduate Schools, International Qur’anic Studies Association (
The major benefit of this meticulously crafted translation is its extensive set of intratextual and intertextual references. The former cover all the major terms used in the Qur’an, providing the Arabic original word in a footnote, with usages, whether parallel or variant, from other Qur’anic chapters. The latter display an intimate engagement with both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, as well as a range of secondary literature that can be seen to supplement brief or cryptic Qur’anic references. Both sets of references make this an indispensable companion or guide book for reading, engaging and studying the Qur’an. A further, attractive feature of Droge’s annotations is the highlighting of subsets or pericopes of each chapter in the footnotes; the reader, by glancing through these bold highlighted passages, can quickly surmise what are the chief elements, as also their relationship, within each chapter. Even the most seasoned scholar, and the most devout Muslim, will learn from Droge’s annotated translation. It is a treasure trove of both familiar and novel elements of the Noble Book. In sum, Arthur Droge is to be commended for the extraordinary Herculean effort. Bruce B. Lawrence, Duke University
At long last, a version of the Qur’an that is willing to introduce the reader to the complexities of the historical formation and secular interpretation of this important text. Droge is to be congratulated for making accessible to the student of religious studies a critical apparatus, something that is all too often ignored in other translations. Aaron Hughes, University of Rochester
Several new translations of the Qurʾān have appeared over the past 20 years or so. None, however, has attempted the depth and breadth of annotation of the entire text that Droge’s work provides. Readers coming to the Qurʾān with a desire to compare the scripture to the Biblical text will especially find the extensive citation of parallel passages to be of interest. Droge has provided lucid explanations of unclear passages and significant variant readings, making the ambiguities and challenges of the Qurʾān open to all curious readers. Andrew Rippin, University of Victoria
A translation tailored for students of religious studies. Recommended. Lower-division undergraduates and above; general readers. CHOICE, April 2014
This volume, published in clear, relatively large print, is a useful one volume resource for anyone (the academic or the educated general reader) who wants to learn more about Islam, particularly the Qur’an.
Church Times, 2014
This new annotated translation of the Qur’an in English by Arthur Droge ... has been praised by many scholars in the field. Each page of the book contains numerous footnotes that contribute to the understanding of the Qur’anic ayahs. [The book] has become one of the best sources for Qur’an researchers who write mostly in English.
Golestan-e Qur'ān, Summer 2014
This is certainly the best English translation of the Qur'an.
Gabriel Said Reynolds, Professor of Islamic Studies and Theology, University of Notre Dame
The major benefit of this meticulously crafted translation is its extensive set of intratextual and intertextual references. Both sets of references make this an indispensable companion or guidebook for reading, engaging, and studying the Qur'an.
Bruce B. Lawrence, Review of Middle East Studies