Ḥanafī Māturīdīsm

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This book provides an analytical study of the Māturīdite school of theology. Affiliated with the Ḥanafīte school of jurisprudence, the Māturīdites represented one of the most influential schools of scholastic theology (kalam) in Sunni Islam. Attempting to fill the historical gaps in the study of early and classical Māturīdite thought and scholarship, this work explores not only the rise of the school, but also maps out seminal phases in its subsequent intellectual development. With a concern for context and relevance, it offers key insights into the literary legacy of the school, covering the work of its founder and later Māturīdite theologians. The study includes a critical Arabic edition of the treatise entitled al-Ḥādī (The Guide), authored by one of the luminaries of the school, al-Imam al-Khabbāzī (d. 691 AH/ 1292 AD). The work served as an important repository of Māturīdite theological thought preserving significant discussions elaborated within the school and their impact upon later theological discourses.
Published: Apr 1, 2020
Section | Chapter | Authors |
Introduction | ||
Introduction | Ayedh Alddosari | |
Part One: The Author | ||
1. Establishing the Authorship of al-Hādī | Ayedh Alddosari | |
2. Al-Khabbāzī’s Personal Details | Ayedh Alddosari | |
3. The Life and Times of al-Khabbāzī | Ayedh Alddosari | |
Part Two: The Scholastic Theological Heritage of the Māturīdī Madhhab up to the writing of al-Khabbāzī’s al-Hādī | ||
Introduction | Ayedh Aldosari | |
4. The Ḥanafī Roots of the Māturīdī Madhhab | Ayedh Alddosari | |
5. The Sunni Ḥanafīs after al-Ṭaḥāwī and al-Māturīdī | Ayedh Alddosari | |
6. The Recovery of the Māturīdī School: From Neglect to Prevalence | Ayedh Alddosari | |
7. al-Hādī | Ayedh Alddosari | |
Conclusion | ||
Conclusion | Ayedh Alddosari | |
Appendix 1 | ||
Photocopied Specimens from Ten Manuscripts of al-Hādī | Ayedh Alddosari | |
Appendix 2 | ||
Miscellaneous Documents | Ayedh Alddosari | |
End Matter | ||
References | Ayedh Aldosari | |
Index | Ayedh Aldosari | |
Part Three: The Edited Text of al-Hadi | ||
The Edited Text of al-Hadi | Ayedh Alddosari |
The Arabic critical edition of al-Hādī, which takes up just under half of the printed text of Ḥanafī-Māturīdism is a notable contribution to the field. Aldosari has collected ten manuscripts, which he argues are the total extant copies of the text. Having discarded four as incomplete or inferior, he bases his edition on the remaining six, specifying as original the manuscript in Dār al-Kutub al-Miṣriyyah in Cairo, which was copied in a Ḥanafī madrasah in Damascus four and a half months before the author’s death (p. 261). Aldosari’s edition of al-Hādī is primarily based on this manuscript with variations in footnotes and missing text from the other copies added in parentheses. As well as
3644 short footnotes, Aldosari refers the reader to 252 endnotes over forty pages of small Arabic typeface. These provide definitions of key kalām terminology, individuals and groups, as well as referencing for ḥadīths mentioned in the text. These features make his edition not only superior to that published by Adil Bebek (Istanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi İlâhiyat Fakültesi Vakfı Yayınları, 2006) from three manuscripts, but more useful for scholarly work, especially when combined with the detailed study in the remainder of the volume.
Ilahiyat Studies
The book testifies to the studious scholarly effort on the part of the author. The findings of his research concerning the historical phases of maturation and propagation that Maturidism passed through are particularly impressive. It should be seen as a major contribution to the study of Kalam heritage in the Islamic tradition.
The Muslim World Book Review
Aldosari makes an important contribution to the field by producing an exemplary critical edition of al-Khabbāzī’s al-Hādī as well as connecting it to the formative development of Maturidi kalām.
Journal of the American Oriental Society