Queering Language, Gender and Sexuality

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This volume showcases ten years of research on language, gender and sexuality informed by queer theory. In line with a queer dislike for any normalizing discourse and practice, the book gives a multi-faceted set of applications of queer theoretical ideas to linguistic analysis. The chapters that open the book engage with theoretical debates about identity and desire, and the relationships between these concepts. The following contributions offer linguistic precision to two key areas of queer theoretical interest, namely the critique of heteronormativity and the deconstruction of the gender binary. The final chapters pick up on some of the thematic threads of the book, but locate them within recent developments in the study of language and space. With examples from a variety of sociopolitical contexts – Denmark, Greece, Serbia, Sweden, South Africa, USA – and discursive sites – phrasebooks, school interactions, literary texts, as well as online dating sites and chats – the book gives a critical overview of how gender, sexuality and power can be queered through linguistic analysis.
Published: Feb 10, 2018
Provides a comprehensive overview of a decade of 'queer linguistic' research... On the basis of its diverse methodologies and the richness of its theoretical frameworks alone, this book should be read widely as an introduction to language, gender and sexuality studies... A suite of excellent contributions to queer linguistics from its inception to now. The future of the field is only tantalizingly described, but readers of this book will be reminded of its accomplished past, and assured of its bright prospects under the guidance of scholars like Milani and the contributors. Here's to more discomforting, provoking and queering!
Journal of Language and Sexuality
Anyone who wants to engage with research in this area and gain a deeper insight into the methodological and theoretical debates this work engenders would find this a very valuable starting point.
Journal of Language and Politics
As a survey of ‘queer’ approaches to language, gender, and sexuality, it is a powerful collection with both theoretical heft and definitive detail. It would be an excellent reader for a course that focuses in some way on language and gender/sexuality.
This is a book that should be read by scholars outside of the narrow field of language, gender, and sexuality (LGS), because the processes that are pointed to here all have important lessons for sociolinguists working in areas in which gender and sexuality are not the primary focus, and lessons for gender/sexuality scholars not working directly on language.
Journal of Sociolinguistics