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Archaeological Perspectives on Hunter-Gatherer Landscapes and Resource Management in Interior North Norway

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Two volumes sold as a set only

For a century, Stone Age research on the coast of north Norway has been influential on settlement studies in the larger region. Research on Stone Age and Sámi coastal sites has brought forward central debates in the general archaeology in Fennoscandia. Our knowledge of the inland has on the other hand, been week, geographically skewed towards the larger river valleys and exhibiting major chronological gaps, the reality of which was unknown. From 2008 to 2013 the LARM project (Landscape and Resource Management) was aimed at generating new archaeological knowledge of the inland and integrating it with old, mostly unpublished, data derived from hydroelectric development projects implemented in the 1970s and 1980s. This book is the result of that effort.

The book is framed conceptually by a general approach to hunter-gatherer landscape use. This is discussed also in relation to the transition from hunting to reindeer herding among the indigenous Sámi in the region under study. Sámi landscape practices and knowledge constitute an important baseline, with circumpolar perspectives integrated. The archaeological and historical data investigated in the book range from about 7500 BC until the Early Modern period (AD 1500-1700).

Published: Oct 30, 2024

Section Chapter Authors
Chapter 1
Landscape and Resource Management in Interior Sápmi, North Norway Bryan Hood, Marianne Skandfer
Chapter 2
Culture-History Overview: From Ethnography towards Archaeology Marianne Skandfer
Chapter 3
Concepts and Methods Bryan Hood, Marianne Skandfer
Chapter 4
Reflections on Living in Landscapes Bryan Hood, Marianne Skandfer
Chapter 5
Modern Ecological Structure and Lithic Resources of Northern Norway Hans Peter Blankholm, Bryan Hood
Chapter 6
Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions Bryan Hood, Hans Peter Blankholm
Chapter 7
Previous Archaeological Research in Interior Finnmark and Troms Marianne Skandfer, Bryan Hood, Hans Peter Blankholm
Chapter 8
LARM Investigations in Inner Finnmark 1: The Kárášjohka/Karasjok Region Marianne Skandfer, Bryan Hood
Chapter 9
LARM Investigations in Inner Finnmark 2: Small Investigations in Western Finnmark and Investigations of House-Pits in the Bácheveaij/Pasvik and Deatnu/Tana River Valleys, Eastern Finnmark Marianne Skandfer, Bryan Hood
Chapter 10
LARM Investigations in Inner Troms 1: Altevatn - Leinvatn and Vuolit Rostojávri/ Lille Rostavatn Hans Peter Blankholm
Chapter 11
LARM Investigations in Inner Troms 2: The Guomojávrrit Region Asgeir Svestad
Chapter 12
House Pits in the Northern Interior Hans Peter Blankholm, Marianne Skandfer
Chapter 13
Hunting-Pit Systems in the Northern Interior Bryan Hood
Chapter 14
Settlement Models for Interior Finnmark Bryan Hood
Chapter 15
The Emergence of Reindeer Herding in North Norway, Part I: Improvisations on Two Scales Bryan Hood
Chapter 16
The Emergence of Reindeer Herding in North Norway Part 2: Archaeological and Historical Evidence Bryan Hood
Chapter 17
Historical Sources and Ethnographic Analogies: The Early Modern Sámi of Inner Finnmark as Seen Through the Swedish Tax Records, 1553-1752 Bryan Hood
Chapter 18
Pollen Analytical Investigations in Finnmark Helge Irgens Høeg
Chapter 19
Conclusions. Resource Management and Landscape Use in a Long-Term Perspective Marianne Skandfer, Hans Peter Blankholm, Bryan Hood