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Book: Technomad

Chapter: The Technoccult, Psytrance, and the Millennium

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.25372


Chapter 5, “The Technoccult, Psytrance, and the Millennium,” documents the elements of a techno-spiritual movement concentrated within psychedelic trance. Evincing a post sixties cybernetic self/globe nexus, and via a compendium of salvific models, utopian dreams, poetic tracts, and visionary art appearing throughout the 1990s and into the present, trance culture is implicated in a revitalization/millenarian movement responsive to accelerating ecological and humanitarian calamity. Exploring dance music organizations reacting to anti-dance legislation and ordinance, and engaging in direct action mobilizations for diverse issues beyond the world of EDMC.

Chapter Contributors

  • Graham St John ( - book-auth-491) 'Griffith University'