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Book: The Public Archaeology of Death

Chapter: Death’s Diversity: the Case of Llangollen Museum

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.34663


Much of the debate regarding mortuary archaeology’s public interactions has centred on the ethics and politics of displaying articulated skeletal material and fleshed bodies. In contrast, multiple, fragmented, dislocated and cenotaphic mortuary traces which populate museums across the UK have escaped sustained attention. Local and town museums, and also the distinctive narratives required in Welsh museums, have also eluded consideration. This chapter explores how smaller museums create environments in which networks are created both with other memorial places and landscapes in the vicinity, and between discrete museum displays. This chapter focuses on one case study – Llangollen Museum – to present and interrogate how a diversity of mortuary material culture combine to create a mortuary network associated with local history, heritage and landscape in this distinctive North Welsh context.

Chapter Contributors

  • Suzanne Evans ( - suzanneevans) 'Llangollen Museum'
  • Howard Williams ( - howardwilliams) 'University of Chester'