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Book: Selected Writings of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya

Chapter: Revised Prospectus of the Buddhasāsana Samāgama or the International Buddhist Society (1903)

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.36346


This prospectus represents the re-organisation of the Buddhasāsana Samāgama that occurred in March 1903, after Ananda M had moved from Mandalay to Rangoon. It was issued as a ‘Supplement’ to the first issue of the journal, Buddhism: An Illustrated Review, and later as a fully-developed ‘Prospectus’. It shows that the membership was intended to be ‘eclectic’; all who were interested in the society’s work could join. Significant also is the insistence that the Samāgama would not abuse or ridicule other forms of religious belief.

Chapter Contributors

  • Allan Bennett ( - allanbennett)