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Book: About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period

Chapter: 7. A Tale of Two Provinces: Judah and Edom During the Persian Period

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.42824


“A Tale of Two Provinces: Judah and Edom During the Persian Period” by Alexander Fantalkin and Oren Tal addresses the material evidence of the Persian-period provinces of Judah and Edom against the contemporary geopolitical conditions. Following the Egyptian rebellion of 404–400 BCE, southern Palestine underwent a major transformation as a result of becoming the southwestern frontier of the Persian Empire. Fantalkin and Tal offer a reconstruction of the political history and its social and economic manifestations that focuses on the inland regions of the inhabited land of Palestine. Sites, administrative centers, architectural remains, pottery, and epigraphic finds are used to reconstruct the period’s Zeitgeist.

Chapter Contributors

  • Alexander Fantalkin ( - afantalkin) 'Tel Aviv University'
  • Oren Tal ( - otal) 'Tel Aviv University'