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Book: Religious Super-diversity and Peacebuilding across Asia and its Diasporas

Chapter: Religious Diversity, Plurality and Pluralism: Towards an Analytical Grid

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.44489


This chapter proposes an analytical grid of the concept of “diversity” in religious dynamics. After exploring the use of the concept of “super-diversity” in religious field, we discuss the term “new religious pluralism” and we propose a new typology based on three key words: diversity, plurality, and pluralism. To capture the dynamics employed in the contemporary religious field, we mobilize the prefix “hyper” to stress the complex and multi-layered religious diversity. From a historical, anthropological, and sociological perspective, this tripartite typology sheds light on the different levels and scales of diversity, focusing on individual and collective, inter- and intra-religious relationships.

Chapter Contributors

  • Dionigi Albera ( - dalbera) 'Institut d’Ethnologie Méditerranéenne, Européenne et Comparative, Aix-en-Provence'
  • Mariachiara Giorda ( - mgiorda) 'University of Roma Tre'