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Book: How to Do Things with Myths

Chapter: About Henri Hubert: Durkheim’s Mythologist

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.44969


The Durkheimian theory of myth is primarily the work of Henri Hubert, one of Durkheim’s closest collaborators. This chapter 4 also serves as a biographical essay on Hubert, featuring make his performative forays into myth. Hubert diligently contributed numerous short articles for the Année sociologique on myth. He also trained scholars who produced important studies of myth, such as Stefan Czarnowski’s 1919 study of the myths and cults about Saint Patrick. There, Czarnowski used St Patrick to inspire his own Poland’s struggles for independence.

Chapter Contributors

  • Ivan Strenski ( - istrenski) 'University of California Riverside (retired)'