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Book: From the Ground to the Sky

Chapter: 11. "Sun Marker": A Laboratory for Experiential Cultural Astronomy

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.45066


A modern sculpture in Utah that reflects the connection between landscape and skyscape is described by Angela M. Richman, Von Del Chamberlain and Joe Pachak. Artist Joe Pachak studied the Ancestral Puebloan culture and traditions relating to the movements of the Sun, Moon and stars to create the sculpture called Sun Marker to demonstrate light and shadow effects on recreated rock art images at the equinoxes and solstices. Their chapter tells the story of this sculpture and how it has helped formulate vital research questions for cultural astronomers.

Chapter Contributors

  • Angela Richman ( - arichman) 'National Park Service'
  • Von Del Chamberlain ( - vdchamberlain) 'Utah Valley University'
  • Joe Pachak ( - jpachak) 'Archaeological Consultant'