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Book: Becoming a Teacher Who Writes

Chapter: Introduction: Becoming a Teacher Who Writes

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.45151


The Introduction to the book opens with a poem whose opening lines are:
to teach is to learn
to learn is to be
These words summarize key ideas in this book about both teachers and students learning and teaching from and to each other and about the process of teaching and learning being one of becoming. Students and teachers, and their writings, are thus works in progress. The author introduces her own evolving story, in which the muse of teaching transformed her from at first a writing teacher who could not herself write to a writer, a teacher-writer, and ultimately a teacher-artist. Just as she took on the identity of writer as a lifelong process, she hopes her book will help those who teach writing and other subjects to be transformed by the process of becoming a teacher who writes. The book is for all teachers, especially those who think they cannot write or that writing is not relevant to their subject area. Its philosophy is interdisciplinary and all-inclusive: everyone is creative and can write.

Chapter Contributors

  • Nancy S. Gorrell ( - book-auth-442) 'English teacher and poet'