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Book: Violence, Conspiracies, and New Religions

Chapter: 5. By the Cleansing Flames of Fire: Qur'an Burnings, Racialized Religion and Politized Nostalgia in Sweden

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.45188


This chapter focuses on the burning of the Quran and the Hebrew Bible and the relation between bibliocaust and holocaust. I will begin with the recent series of Quran burnings in Sweden and then revisit history, from the ceremonial Quran burnings in Grenada 1499 via the Nazi bonfires of 1933 back to our time and show how book burnings throughout this history have been used as a way of ridding society of the evil these books were seen as associated with and how this frequently included the people who read and cherished these books.

Chapter Contributors

  • Mattias Gardell ( - mgardell) 'Uppsala University'