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Book: Sacred Psychology

Chapter: Birth as Theophany

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.45205


The birth of a human being into terrestrial existence is a profound mystery. This is something that, in the present day, is often taken for granted and dismissed without much reflection. Devoid of a profound metaphysical framework, modern science and its mental health treatments are unable to fully comprehend our inseparability from transpersonal Reality and how this informs all facets of human existence. By contrast, sacred psychology is founded on a triadic understanding of a person as Spirit, soul, and body, which allows for fully integrated therapies to support healing and wholeness. If we do not deeply reflect on the nature of birth and death, can we truly say that we know ourselves, or that we fully understand the meaning and purpose of our lives? This chapter looks at how the various religious and spiritual traditions understand birth as a divine disclosure.

Chapter Contributors

  • Samuel Bendeck Sotillos ( - ssotillos) 'Psychotherapist'