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Book: Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2

Chapter: Interview with Christian Matthiessen (Cardiff 1998)

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.45285


Chapter 8 features an interview held at the University of Liverpool, the U.K. in July 1998. Matthiessen’s responses to seven questions provide his views on many issues related to systemic functional linguistics’ theoretical backbones, including emphasizing its appliable strengths, nurturing the theory with various applications, affirming the importance of developing system networks, differentiating systemic functional approaches from other functional theories, listing some major areas of expansion within systemic functional linguistics, following the trinocular perspective to describe other semiotic systems, and valuing the typological work.

Chapter Contributors

  • Christian Matthiessen ( - cmatthiessen) 'University of International Business and Economics” (UIBE), Beijing '