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Book: Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2

Chapter: Systemic Functional Morphology: The Lexicogrammar of the Word

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.45288


Chapter 11 presents a systematic overview of the systemic functional approach to the area of lexicogrammar which is traditionally called “morphology”. Through defining the location of morphology in systemic functional theory, the grammar of words trinocularly is explicated in terms of the combination of the semiotic dimensions of rank, delicacy, stratification and instantiation. This chapter shows to what extent this trinocular view in terms of the hierarchies of rank and stratification differs from other theoretical models with respect to the description of morphological phenomena, how the systemic functional approach analyzes and/or classifies different morphological types of languages, and how this approach explains the lexical/grammatical distinction. Regarding the analysis of morphology issues, the main challenges of the systemic functional approach are discussed and its future research is also suggested.

Chapter Contributors

  • Christian Matthiessen ( - cmatthiessen) 'University of International Business and Economics” (UIBE), Beijing '