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Book: The Handbook on Music Business and Creative Industries in Education

Chapter: 'How NOT to land an internship': A Case Study of Experiential Learning in Sound Recording and Music Production Education

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.45324


Using community-engaged learning and participatory action research, Kirk McNally presents a case study on the collaboration between upper-level sound recording students and a local Canadian record label. McNally argues that the standard practice of internships in the music industry is at best limited in its scope and exploitative at its worst. Community Engaged Learning (CEL) presents a useful alternative where students apply their skills in real-world scenarios, thus improving their applied knowledge and learning outcomes. McNally’s qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews suggests while CEL promotes a sense of lifelong learning and reflective practice, educators must use care to align the industry component with existing music business curricula such that both support each other equally.

Chapter Contributors

  • Kirk McNally ( - kmcnally) 'University of Victoria'