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Book: Sacred Psychology

Chapter: Rehabilitating Psychology

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.45983


We highlight the profound inadequacies of modern Western psychology that prevent it from being an effective therapy for humanity at large. This is due to its desacralized foundations and blind adherence to a scientistic and materialistic outlook that rejects transcendence. Paradoxically, the present-day mental health calamity can only be understood in light of the spiritual crisis of the modern world, which is the very same malady that gave birth to modern psychology in the first place. Notwithstanding the ongoing availability of time-honored spiritual insights concerning the human mind and its potential as found in all traditional cultures, modern psychology continues to arrogantly assert its supremacy despite a demonstrable failure to relieve the suffering of countless souls.

Chapter Contributors

  • Samuel Bendeck Sotillos ( - ssotillos) 'Psychotherapist'