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Women in Music

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This new book series will create a platform for ground-breaking studies which offer new insight into any and all aspects of women in music. Building on Equinox Publishing’s established lists in popular music, film music and the wider industry, the series will be of interest to the scholar, practitioner, and general reader.

Women in Music aims to be inclusive, seeking to publish historical and critical studies, cultural analyses, life-writing, traditional musicology and more. The series as a whole will work to challenge some of the less helpful divisions in music scholarship  - for example, between ‘popular’ and ‘classical’ – by welcoming submissions which range, where appropriate, across genres, eras, and disciplines. The common thread, however, remains women’s lived experience, whether as individuals or groups, and/or cultural understandings of the category of ‘woman’.

Almost all areas of the music industry are now waking up to women’s under-representation, and not just as a historical phenomenon. Change nevertheless remains slow. Through the dissemination of the latest scholarship in the field, Women in Music will not only celebrate and explore the often hidden contributions of specific individuals and groups, but by contributing to a richer, more complex,  picture of women in music, will provoke some important questions for the industry now.

Books for Women in Music