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Applied Linguistics at the Interface

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Volume 19

The theme of this volume, a selection of papers from the 2003 conference of the British Association of Applied Linguistics, celebrates the productive interface between Applied Linguistics research and other disciplinary ways of knowing, forms of professional practice and issues of public concern. In the last two decades, the scope of applied linguistic research has broadened considerably to encompass a wider range of topics, issues and settings, drawing on rich and diverse methodologies. Topics covered in this collection illustrate this diversity, including conversational analytic perspectives on computer mediated communication, academic literacies, the sociolinguistics of English in Africa, L1/L2 writing, classroom discourse analysis, the psycholinguistics of second and foreign language acquisition, phonological awareness in second language learning. The contributions, all based on empirical research, address issues of language learning and use in a range of languages: Chinese, English, Italian, German, Greek, Japanese, Spanish.

Published: Nov 1, 2004

Book Contributors

Section Chapter Authors
Applied linguistics at the interface Mike Baynham, Alice Deignan, Goodith White
The agonism and the ecstacy: conflict and argument in applied linguistics Richard Badger
The effects of structured input activities and explicit information on the acquisition of gender agreement in Italian and the simple past in Spanish Alessandro G. Benati, Paula Romero-Lopez
Chinese-speaking childrens’ awareness of English phonological units Fu-hsing Su, Li-szu Huang
Subverting conversational repair in a hostile email discussion Sandra Harrison
Citation analysis: a multidisciplinary perspective on academic literacy Nigel Harwood
The L2 learner corpus: reviewing its potential for the early stages of learning Anne Ife
Composing competence: how L1 and L2 writing experience interact Hiroe Kobayashi, Carol Rinnert
Frame shifting and identity construction during whole class instruction Vally Lytra
English in Africa and the emergence of Afro-Saxons: globalization or marginalization? Casmir Rubagumya
Creativity, conformity and complexity in academic writing Mary Scott, Joan Turner
A Cantonese syllabary for English soccer Geoff Smith
Motivation in foreign language learning Marion Williams
End Matter
List of contributors Association for Applied Linguistics British

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