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Language, Culture and Identity in Applied Linguistics

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Language, Culture and Identity is a collection of papers from the BAAL Annual Conference at the University of Bristol 2005. The thirteen papers, by researchers from Britain and across Europe, represent a range of research orientations within Applied Linguistics which connect in different ways with issues in culture and identity. Two plenary addresses from the conference, by Roz Ivanič and Srikant Sarangi, explore the themes of identity and culture in contexts of learning and of work. Papers addressing language planning and policy issues present recent analyses of francophone identity in Canada and Sami identity in Finland. The issues of culture and identity in writing are explored in different papers from the perspective of identity construction in academic writing, discipline cultures in higher education contexts, the consequences of these for interdisciplinary writers, and how writers construct audience identity though the linguistic choices they make. Empirical studies of language learning and teaching are also represented, with papers on Processing Instruction and Intercultural Pragmatics. The themes of identity and culture in these papers connect a range of sub-disciplines within Applied Linguistics, and also connect knowledge building in Applied Linguistics with pervasive themes in research across the social sciences, into the ways people as individuals and in communities understand, shape and represent their experiences of learning and work.

Published: Dec 1, 2006

Book Contributors

Section Chapter Authors
Introduction Richard Kiely, Pauline Rea-Dickins, Helen Woodfield, Gerald Clibbon
Chapter 1
Language, learning and identification Roz Ivanic
Chapter 2
Identity in a francophone cultural context: issues of language rights and language use in Canada Maeve Conrick
Chapter 3
Sami languages: between hope and endangerment Hannele Dufva, Sari Pietikainen
Chapter 4
Identity formation and dialect use among young speakers of the Greek-Cypriot community in Cyprus Andry Sophocleous
Chapter 5
Perceptions of varieties of spoken English: implications for EIL Sue Fraser
Chapter 6
Variation in disciplinary culture: university tutors’ views on assessed writing tasks Hilary Nesi, Sheena Gardner
Chapter 7
Interdisciplinarity and writer identity: students’ views and experiences Bojana Petric
Chapter 8
Who or what is the students’ audience? The discoursal construction of audience identity in undergraduate assignments Lynda Griffin
Chapter 9
Revealing and obscuring the writer’s identity: evidence from a corpus of theses Maggie Charles
Chapter 10
Face in L2 argumentative discourse: psycholinguistic constraints on the construction of identity Doris Dippold
Chapter 11
The effects of processing instruction and meaning output-based instruction on the acquisition of the Italian subjunctive of doubt and opinion Alessandro G. Benati
Chapter 12
The conditions and consequences of professional discourse studies Srikant Sarangi
End Matter
Contributors Richard Kiely

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