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Book: The Limits of Discursive Interpretation

Chapter: 13. Door: First Subdivision to 'Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds [of creation]'

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.44721


The Openings of the Major World
The Keys of Hiddenness
An Introductory Remark
The Sememe of ‘Praise’
‘Praise Be to God’
Etymological Derivation
The Correspondence of the Sememes of the Name Exterior and Interior

His (Most High) Rectitude
The Ordinance of Chiefship
The Ordinance of Fixedness
The Ordinance of Possession
The Ordinance of Self-Cultivation
The Concomitants of the Ordinances
The Secret of Self-Cultivation
The Nourishment of Spirit, Nourishment of Body
The Wisdom of the Sapient
The Stumbling of the Veiled
The Commixture Is Dominant over the Potency of the Nourishment
The Voice of Exteriority
Exegesis: ‘ʿĀlamīn’
The Voice of Interiority
Exegesis: His Most High pronouncement of ‘the Merciful, the Mercifier’
The Presences of Mercy
The Secret of ‘Dominion’
The Secret of ‘Day’
The Secret of ‘Accounting’

Chapter Contributors

  • Ṣadr al-Dīn Qūnawī ( - squnawi)